Movie of the 9th Energy Congress
9th Energy Congress, under the theme of „Energy transition to phase out the crisis”, inevitably came to an end. Two intense days of discussions, meetings and side events are now behind us. During this year’s edition, in a group of experts, we looked for solutions to strengthen the Polish energy sector – to achieve the goals of transformation and security of the energy system. Many interesting and insightful theses have been raised, and their conclusions have a chance to influence the real course of events in the energy sector.
Congress discussions this year focused on key issues for the industry, such as the Polish energy mix and the National Electricity System, the future of natural gas, renewable gases and coal technologies; the status of Polish nuclear projects, investments in onshore and offshore wind power and photovoltaics, cross-border cooperation, digital solutions, or decarbonization in heating and industry. Plenary debates, in turn, touched on strategic topics of energy transition, international partnerships and investment financing, bringing us closer to the overarching goals.
Registration of participants
9:10 – 10:00
Inaugural session
Honorary Guests’ speeches
- Ireneusz Zyska, Secretary of State, Government Plenipotentiary for Renewable Energy Sources, Ministry of Climate and Environment
- Grzegorz Tobiszowski, Member of the European Parliament
- Jarosław Obremski, Voivode of Lower Silesia
- Cezary Przybylski, Marshal of the Lower Silesian Voivodship
- Jakub Mazur, Deputy Mayor of Wrocław
- Ole Toft, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Denmark to Poland
- Päivi Laine, Ambassador of Finland to Poland
- David A. Wright, Commissioner, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
- Daniel Lawton, Deputy Chief of Mission, US Embassy to Poland
- Prof. Arkadiusz Wójs, Dr.Sc., PhD, Eng., Rector of Wrocław University of Science and Technology
10:00 – 10:15
Main session
Marek Wesoły, Secretary of State, Government Plenipotentiary for the Transformation of Energy Companies and Coal Mining, Ministry of the State Assets of Poland
- Rafał Gawin, President of Energy Regulatory Office (URE)
10:15 – 11:45
Panel discussion
Energy transition to phase out the crisis
- Key factors for overcoming the crisis and accelerating the energy transition
- REPowerEU & Fit for 55 strategies – will we meet the short-term goals by 2030?
- New gas interconnectors and diversification – is Europe independent of gas supplies from Russia?
- Status of filling gas storage facilities in the light of EU Regulation 2022/1854 – is Europe safe and ready for the autumn-winter season?
- Maximum energy prices – situation of producers and final consumers and the support system for 2024.
- Revision of Poland’s Energy Policy – strategic goals in the perspective of 2040.
Joanna Maćkowiak-Pandera, President of the Energy Forum, Member of the Expert Council for Energy Security and Climate
- Ireneusz Zyska, Secretary of State, Government Plenipotentiary for Renewable Energy Sources, Ministry of Climate and Environment
- Krzysztof Nowicki, Member of the Management Board for Production and Optimization, ORLEN S.A.
- Rafał Gawin, President of Energy Regulatory Office (URE)
- Norbert Grudzień, Vice President of the Board for Operating and Transition Affairs, PGE GiEK SA
- Filip Grzegorczyk, Vice President of the Management Board of Grupa Azoty S.A.
- Michał J. Kołodziejczyk, President of the Board, Equinor Polska
- Paweł Szczeszek, President of the Board, TAURON Polska Energia S.A.
- Mateusz Wodejko, Vice President of the Management Board (Finance), KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
- Kasjan Wyligała, President of the Board, LW Bogdanka SA
11:45 – 12:00
Main discussion
- Robert Rudich, Energy Attaché and Director, Department of Energy Office, US Embassy to Poland
12:00 – 13:30
Panel discussion
Strategic international partnership for energy security and transition
- The strategic dimension of energy security and its importance for ensuring the efficient functioning of European economies and societies
- Geopolitical aspects of energy security in Europe and the role of transatlantic cooperation to ensure continuity of energy supply and effective transition
- Polish-American strategic partnership in the area of zero-emission technologies and energy supply as a response to energy blackmail and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
- Partnerships between Polish and American companies in the construction of SMR units in Poland – available technologies and models of cooperation for its implementation in Poland
- New gas infrastructure – the Baltic Pipe pipeline, LNG terminals and cross-border interconnectors – a condition for independence from Russian gas and ensuring continuity of gas supply in Europe
- Cross-border connections between Poland and Lithuania – LitPoLiink and GIPL – a guarantee of energy security in Central and Eastern Europe
Wojciech Jakóbik, Editor in Chief, BiznesAlert.pl
- Mateusz Berger, President of the Management Board, Polskie Elektrownie Jądrowe Sp. z o.o.
- Konrad Szymański, Deputy Director of the Polish Economic Institute
- Dominik Jankowski, Policy Adviser, Office of the Secretary General, NATO
- Robert Rudich, Energy Attaché and Director, Department of Energy Office, US Embassy to Poland
- Dawid Jackiewicz, Vice President of the Management Board, ORLEN Synthos Green Energy
- Michał Kurtyka, Minister of Climate and Environment from 2019 to 2021, Distinguished Fellow of the Atlantic Council
- Dr hab. Paweł Kowal, prof. ISP PAN, Member of the Polish Parliament, Member of the Council of the Caucasus Foundation
- Michalina Sobolewska, Government Relations Advisor, ExxonMobil Central Europe Holding GmbH
13:30 – 14:30
Panel sessions – simultaneously I, II, III
14:30 – 14:40 Speeches
- Igor Petryk, Market Development Director, Energy Europe, Wärtsilä Energy – “Powering Poland’s future: Optimising power system & district heating for the next decade”
14:40 – 16:00 Panel discussion I
The National Power System of the Future – electricity system development in times of transition
- Development of the European electricity market until 2030 and a vision for an integrated EU electricity system in the 2050 perspective
- New Electricity Market Design – how to ensure access to affordable and competitive energy for Europeans
- Power market as a capacity reserve system or RES self-balancing?
- Operation of the electricity system with a dominant role for RES
- Market coupling – opportunities and threats
- Connection of renewable sources and energy storage to the grid – current status and prospects
- How do innovations change the rules of power system operation? – Distributions of renewable energy in grids
Prof. Konrad Świrski Ph.D., Eng., Warsaw University of Technology
- Prof. Waldemar Skomudek, Ph.D. Eng., Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering, AGH University of Krakow
- Maciej Przybylski, Director of the Department of System Development, Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne SA
- Jarosław Wróbel, President of the Management Board, Energa Obrót S.A.
- Igor Petryk, Market Development Director, Energy Europe, Wärtsilä Energy
- Michał Janiszewski, Grid Integration Manager, Better Energy Poland
- Grzegorz Onichimowski, Expert Council on Energy Security and Climate
- Agnieszka Okońska, Member of the Management Board, Stoen Operator (E.ON Group)
- Robert Zasina, Director of Asset Management, TAURON Polska Energia S.A.
14:30 – 14:40 Speeches
14:40 – 16:00 Panel discussion II
Natural gas as a bridge fuel
and biomethane as a renewable gas of the future
- Geopolitical factors shaping the gas market
- Diversification of gas supplies to Europe, ie the importance of new gas interconnectors
- Polish LNG terminal – regasification capacity and extension status
- Joint gas purchases for the EU – how will the platform function and will it be an effective barrier against the crisis?
- Compliance of natural gas with the EU taxonomy and the future of decarbonised gases
- The potential of using biomethane – what do the first projects need?
- The potential of using biomethane – what do the first projects need?
Janusz Pietruszyński, Editor in Chief, CIRE.pl
- Katarzyna Harpak, Poland Programme Manager, European Climate Foundation
- Jakub Kowalski, Member of the Board for Operations,
PSG Sp. z o.o. - Piotr Zawistowski, President of the Board, Polish Power Exchange SA (TGE)
- Leszek Mańk, President of the Management Board, PGNiG BioEvolution
- Artur Zawartko, Vice President of the Management Board,
GAZ-SYSTEM SA - Leszek Wiwała, President, General Director, The Polish Organization of Petroleum Industry and Trade
14:30 – 14:40 Speeches
- Lidia Król, Director of the Department of Geology and Licensing, Ministry of Climate and Environment
14:40 – 16:00 Panel discussion III
A perspective on coal in the power industry – the role of CCS/U technology in the decarbonization of energy and industry
- Status of Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage technology (CCUS) in the world and activities undertaken in Poland
- The mission and strategic goals of the Polish state towards CCUS technology
- Energy and industrial clusters of CCUS technology
- Legal aspects and possibilities of financing CCSU projects in Poland
- Technological solutions in the CO2 capture area
- Technological aspects of CO2 transport and storage
- Integration of CCS technology in the cement and lime industries
- CCS in the iron and copper industry
- CCSU and the hydrogen economy
Prof. D.Sc. PhD, Wojciech Nowak, AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow
- Lidia Król, Director of the Department of Geology and Licensing, Ministry of Climate and Environment
- Waldemar Szulc, Office Director, Polish Power Plants Association (TGPE)
- Szczepan Polak PhD, Principal Business Developer, Equinor
- Dariusz Dumkiewicz, Vice-President of the Management Board, Trade and Investments, LW Bogdanka SA
- Prof. Zbigniew Kasztelewicz, Acting President of the Management Bard, PGE Górnictwo i Energetyka Konwencjonalna S.A.
- Anna Striżyk, Executive Director Strategy & Development, Enea Group
16:00 – 16:30
Coffee break
Panel sessions – simultaneously I, II, III
16:30 – 16:40 Speeches
- Janusz Gajowiecki, President of the Board, Polish Wind Energy Association
16:40 – 18:00 Panel discussion I
Wind energy – onshore wind release and offshore projects development status
- EU strategy for the development of climate-neutral offshore renewable energy
- Wind expansion in the Baltic Sea Region and the role of sectoral agreements with the Baltic States
- Status of offshore projects in the Polish waters of the Baltic Sea – results of the settlement proceedings and readiness of the installation terminal
- New broad meaning of “offshore”: offshore wind farms, floating wind farms, ocean energy, energy islands
- Supply chain for offshore wind energy – will foreign suppliers strengthen Polish offshore and an opportunity for Polish local content
- Support systems and offshore energy contracting models – PPAs and good practices of global leaders
Paweł Wróbel, Founder and Managing Director, BalticWindEU
- Alicja Chilińska-Zawadzka, General Director, EDF Renewables Poland
- Katarzyna Suchcicka, General Director OX2 Sp. z o.o.
- Rafał Hajduk, Partner, Head of Energy, Domanski Zakrzewski Palinka (DZP)
- Janusz Gajowiecki, President of the Board, Polish Wind Energy Association
- Monika Morawiecka, Senior Advisor, Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP), Member of the Expert Council for Energy Security and Climate
- Robert Nowicki, President of the Management Board, ORLEN Neptun Sp. z o.o
- Grzegorz Wysocki, Wiceprezes Zarządu ds. Finansowych, PGE Baltica Sp. z o.o.
16:30 – 16:50 Speeches
- Microsoft
Sorin Lupu, Sales & BD Executive, Business Development Division, Israel Electric Corporation
16:50 – 18:00 Panel discussion II
Digital-energy transit – artificial intelligence and cyber security of energy systems
- New business models for energy projects in the digital ecosystem
- Energy security versus smart grids and interoperable energy management systems
- Energy transition in the face of digitization – virtual prosumer, smart grid, smart metering and solutions of the future
- Blockchain and prosumer transactions
- Multicloud, i.e. there is no return to analog energy – opportunities and risks
Dariusz Kryczka, Senior Manager, EY Law Energy & Sustainability, EY Polska
- Sławomir Krenczyk, Executive Director and Board Member of Casimir Pulaski Foundation
- Tomasz Niebylski, ATU Lead – Utilities, Telco, Manufacturing, Microsoft Polska
- Aleksandra Miłobędzka, Head of Development, WiseEuropa
- Henryk Mucha, resident of the Management Board, PGNiG Obrót Detaliczny Sp. z o.o.
- Mariusz Kolanko, Co-founder, byteLAKE Startur
- Wojciech Myślecki, PhD Eng., honorary professor of UP, Chairman of the Supervisory Board Ekoenergetyka-Polska SA
- Mirosław Skowron, President of the Management Board, PERN S.A.
16:30 – 16:40 Speeches
- Andrzej Kaźmierski, Director of Department for Low-emission Economy, Ministry of Economic Development nd Technology
16:40 – 18:00 Panel discussion III
Green industry – how to effectively use renewable energy in industry?
- Sustainable energy management strategies and enterprise development
- Competitiveness of Polish industry in the light of the EU climate neutrality strategy
- Industry development in a neutral and resource-efficient economy
- Energy efficiency monitoring system in energy-intensive sectors (case studies)
- Corporate cPPAs as a new method of financing investments in RES by industrial entities
- Reporting obligations in accordance with the EU taxonomy – challenges for the industry and expectations related to corporate social responsibility
- Energy independence and the economic balance – motivation of enterprises for green transition
Mariusz Swora PhD, Swora Legal, Member of Strategic Advisory Board, Energy Regulators Regional Association (ERRA)
- Włodzimierz Ehrenhalt, Chief Energy Expert, Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers (ZPP)
- Anna Kornecka, President of the Management Board, ESG Impact Network
- Aleksandra Czopik-Barecka, Lawyer, legal advisor, Head of Energy & Compliance, RUBICON Kancelaria Radców Prawnych i Adwokatów
- Mariusz Wawer, Head of Governmental Relations & ESG, 3M East Europe Region
- Michał Obiegała, Director of Corporate Affairs & Communications Poland, Strategic Projects Europe, BP
- Piotr Podgórski, Chief Transformation Officer, KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
- Artur Warzocha, Vice-president of the Board of Corporation Affairs, TAURON Polska Energia SA
- Andrzej Kaźmierski, Director of Department for Low-emission Economy, Ministry of Economic Development nd Technology
- Marcin Korolec, President, Electric Vehicles Promotion Foundation
Summary of the first day of the Energy Congress
9:00 – 9:20
Opening session day II
- Stefano Cabras, Policy Officer, Energy Platform Task Force, DG ENER, European Commission – “The EU Energy Transformation”
- Marcin Roszkowski „Energy security index”, Jagiellonian Institute President
9:20 – 9:40
Main session
- Beata Daszyńska-Muzyczka, President of the Management Board of Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK)
- Grzegorz Rabsztyn, Head of Office, European Investment Bank in Warsaw
9:40 – 11:00
Panel discussion
Financing the energy transition – green priorities of financial institutions
- Just transition, or who can count on the greatest support?
- Green finance in the macroeconomic environment as a motivation for the transition of the Polish energy sector
- Ways of managing the climate risk of institutional and retail investors
- Net zero and zero-waste projects in the light of achieving the goal of a climate-neutral Europe
- Barriers, benefits and good practices of financial institutions in developing the offer of green products
- The role of the financial sector in promoting green investments – are ecological projects economical?
- Banking requirements for PPA models – how to make cPPA the new standard for clean energy supply?
Dominika Tarczyńska, Journalist, “Clean Poland” Programme, Polsat News
- Artur Michalski, Vice-President of the Board, National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management
- Paweł Strączyński, Vice-President of the Management Board, Bank Pekao S.A.
- Andrzej Kopyrski, Vice-President of the Management Board, PKO Bank Polski
- Joanna Smolik,
- Alina Wołoszyn, Partner, Head of Deal Advisory, KPMG w Polsce
- Anna Chmielewska, Associate Director, Senior Banker, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
- Grzegorz Rabsztyn, Director of the European Investment Bank Office in Warsaw
11:00 – 11:30
Coffee break
Panel sessions – simultaneously I, II, III
11:30 – 11:50 Speeches
- Andrzej Głowacki, President of the National Atomic Energy Agency
David A.Wright, Commissioner, U.S. NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission
11:50 – 13:00 Panel discussion I
Large-scale nuclear power generation – a stable source of emission-free energy for the power system
- Safety of nuclear technologies and zero emission aspirations
- Nuclear energy and compliance with the EU taxonomy
- Polish nuclear energy program from the perspective of 3 years from the announcement – what milestones are still ahead for Poland?
- Global regulatory standards and Polish law – are we ready for nuclear power?
- Nuclear reactor technology certification process in order to meet safety requirements – the scope of individual certification stages on the example of the operation of regulators in countries with nuclear power plants
- Global supply chains for nuclear energy – what position can Poland take?
Paweł Grzejszczak, Partner, Infrastructure and Energy Practice, DZP Domański, Zakrzewski, Palinka
- David A. Wright, Commissioner, U.S. NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission
- Andrzej Głowacki, President of the National Atomic Energy Agency
- Bogdan Pilch, General Director, Polish Chamber of Power Industry and Environmental Protection
- Michał Wierzchowski, Director of Business Development, Polskie Elektrownie Jądrowe Sp. z o.o.
- Prof. Krzysztof Kurek, Phd Eng., Director at National Centre for Nuclear Research
Thierry Deschaux, General Director, EDF, Representation Office in Poland
11:30 – 11:50 Speeches
- Grzegorz Wiśniewski, President of the Management Board, EC BREC Institute for Renewable Energy
Robert Woźniak, CEO, Founder, Strategic Advisor, Elitmind – “Energy transition to phase out the crisis”
11:50 – 13:00 Panel discussion II
Distributed RES generation and renewable energy storage potential – how to increase the stability of production from res?
- The potential of Polish RES and the factors blocking the increase in volume
- Cable pooling and direct line – is it enough to make the energy mix greener?
- The RES auction system – is it still attractive and what do producers need?
- Renewable energy storage and the role of hydrogen
- Photovoltaics and the bottleneck of the grid – barriers to the release of solar energy and the future of agrophotovoltaic projects and floating farms
- The importance of prosumer energy, i.e. the concepts of a virtual and collective prosumer, energy cooperative – what does Polish community energy need?
- Energy clusters – crossing administrative borders, hybrid models and directions of the future
- Prospects for the implementation of geothermal and pumped storage energy
Justyna Piszczatowska, Founder, Editor-in-chief, green-news.pl
- Michał Głowacki, Head of Country, Lightsource BP Poland
- Olga Sypuła, Country Manager, European Energy Polska
- Andrzej Jeżewski, Vice Chairman of the Program Council of the Polish Energy Storage Association, President of Energetyczny Klaster Oławski EKO
- Grzegorz Wiśniewski, President of the Management Board, EC BREC Institute for Renewable Energy
- Bogusław Rybacki, Vice President of the Management Board for Asset Management, TAURON Polska Energia S.A.
- Szymon Kowalski, Vice President of the Board, Polish Wind Energy Association
- Albert Gryszczuk, President of the Board, Polish Chamberof Energy Clusters
11:30 – 12:00 Speeches
- Martin Kremer, Consul General of Germany in Wrocław
- Nils Geißler PhD, General Director of the Ministry of Energy, Climate Protection, Environment and Agriculture of the Free State of Saxony
Artur Kowalik, Director of the Department of Economy, Marshall Office of the Lower Silesian Voivodship
12:00 – 13:00 Panel discussion III
Polish-German Forum for Energy and Climate. A common path to climate neutrality
- Strategic goals of Polish and German large-scale and local power generation
- Hydrogen strategies of Poland and Germany as a response to the ambitious goals of decarbonisation of European economies
- Polish and German experiences in the field of energy transition – the same direction, but different paths?
- The potential of Polish-German cooperation in the process of energy transition on the example of Lower Silesia and Saxony – RES, hydrogen and electromobility
- Energy independence in the light of the implementation of the objectives of the REPowerEU package – the Polish and German way of becoming independent from fuel supplies from Russia
Maciej Satora, Reasercher, Fraunhofer IWU
- Nils Geißler PhD, General Director of the Ministry of Energy, Climate Protection, Environment and Agriculture of the Free State of Saxony
- Hubert Papaj, President of Karkonoska Regional Development Agency (KARR SA)
- Lena Möller, Associate, Gas Infrastructures & Policies Programme, European Climate Foundation
- Christopher Frey, Head of Public Affairs, Sunfire GmbH
- Heike Schleussner, Head of Taskforce Structural Change, Entwicklungsgesellschaft Niederschlesische Oberlausitz mbH
- Sacha Caron, Dyrektor sprzedaży, Prokurent, Stadtwerke Goerlitz AG
- Wojciech Makarski, Wiceprezes Zarządu, SEC Zgorzelec Sp. z o.o
Panel sessions – simultaneously I, II, III
13:00 – 13:15 Speeches
- Prof. Wacław Gudowski PhD, Senior Advisor Energy Technology ORLEN Synthos Green Energy (OSGE), NCBJ National Centre for Nuclear Research, KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm – „SMR – mały Atom – dla polskiej transformacji energetycznej: BWRX-300”
13:15 – 14:30 Panel discussion I
Nuclear technology development – potential for clean energy production in modular SMR units
- SMR technologies developed in the world – good practices
- Conditions of licensing processes for SMR power plants in Poland – is it justified to use simplified solutions for SMR technology?
- Conditions for obtaining a general opinion on the organizational and technical solutions planned in Poland for SMR reactors
- Possibility to use in Poland a pre-licensing vendor design review carried out in another country
- The race for the development of SMR – the progress of Polish projects
- Potential for the use of small modular reactors in industry
- Models of financing the development of SMR projects in Poland
Anna Szczodra, Partner, Radca prawny, KPMG Law
- David A. Wright, Commissioner, U.S. NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission
- Dawid Jackiewicz, Vice-President of the Management Board, Orlen Synthos Green Energy
- Marcin Dąbrowski, Director, Nuclear Safety and Security Department, National Atomic Energy Agency
- Damian Jamroz, President of Management Board, Last Energy Poland
- Prof. Wacław Gudowski PhD, Senior Advisor Energy Technology ORLEN Synthos Green Energy (OSGE), NCBJ National Centre for Nuclear Research, KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm
13:00 – 13:15 Speeches
Agnieszka Spirydowicz, Director of Lower Silesian Hydrogen Valley, Andrzej Węgrzyn PhD, Plenipotentiary of the Marshal of the Lower Silesian Voivodeship for Energy Transformation – “Lower Silesian Hydrogen Valley Initiative”
13:15 – 14:30 Panel discussion II
Polish hydrogen economy
– the use of hydrogen in energy, transport and industry
- Hydrogen as the new natural gas – reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
- Renewable, electrolytic and low-emission hydrogen – technology development and market readiness
- Awaiting adoption of the EU’s decarbonisation package – what lies ahead?
- Hydrogen valleys – cooperation of the local government with science and business for the hydrogenation of the economy
- Hydrogen transmission – unbundling or injection of hydrogen into gas networks?
- The prospect of using hydrogen technologies in Polish transport and application in industry
Prof. Jakub Kupecki, DSc, PhD, Director of the Institute of Power Engineering
- Agnieszka Spirydowicz, Director of Lower Silesian Hydrogen Valley, President of the Zgorzelec Renewable Energy Development and Energy Efficiency Cluster – Zklaster
- Prof. Halina Pawlak-Kruczek DSc, PhD, Eng. Director of the Center for Hydrogen Technologies and Renewable Energy Sources, Wrocław University of Science and Technology
- Maciej Satora, Researcher, Fraunhofer IWU
- Andrzej Węgrzyn PhD, Vice-President of Lower Silesian Hydrogen Valley
- Piotr Zdyb, Manager, Construction of Renewable Hydrogen Production Sources Team, ORLEN SA
13:00 – 13:10 Speeches
- Dorota Jeziorowska, Director, The Polish Association of Combined Heat and Power Plants (PTEZ)
13:10 – 14:30 Panel discussion III
Sustainable district heating – how to increase energy efficiency and decarbonize district heating?
- Lowering the quality criteria for solid fuels and the struggle for clean air in cities
- Effectiveness of anti-smog resolutions during the crisis
- Electrification of the heating sector – what does the Polish heating sector need to reduce emissions?
- Use of waste heat (waste to energy)
- Heat storage technologies
- System energy efficiency and the importance of cogeneration
- Cities in the face of the climate crisis – reducing urban heat islands and consciously saving energy
Dorota Jeziorowska, Director, The Polish Association of Combined Heat and Power Plants (PTEZ)
- Piotr Górnik, President of the Management Board, Fortum Power and Heat Polska Sp. z o.o.
- Jacek Szymczak, President of the Chamber of Commerce of Polish Heat and Power Engineering (IGCP)
- Monika Gawlik, Director, Department of Electricity and Heat Markets, Energy Regulatory Office (URE)
- Aneta Więcka, Project Manager, Department for the Development of Innovative Programme Managment Methods, The National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR)
- Katarzyna Szymczak-Pomianowska, Director of Sustinable Development Department, Municipality of Wroclaw
- Piotr Maryński, Member of the Supervisory Board, Voivodship Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Wroclaw
- Ireneusz Krupa, Member of the Board of Development and Investments Affairs, Polska Spółka Gazownictwa Sp. z o.o.
14:30 – 14:40
Summary of the 9th Energy Congress
14:40 – 15:30
Side Events
Day I
13:00 – 13:30
Briefing – “Recommendations for 100 days of the new government”
Expert Council on Energy Security and Climate
14:30 – 16:30
Energy for Ukraine – Roundtable on Reconstruction
UN Global Compact Network Poland
Day II
Workshops – A new model of the energy market