Gazterm 2020


On 27-30 September 2020, the 23rd international GAZTERM conference was held in Międzyzdroje, whose main event was the “Three Seas Gas Summit On Security, Integration, Transformation”. As in the previous year, the conference was organised under the patronage of the Lower Silesian Institute for Energy Studies.

The most prominent gas market experts, ministers, politicians and entrepreneurs debated the consequences of the implementation of the European Green Deal for the Polish gas sector. The theme of this year’s Gazterm coincides with the issue of analyses conducted by DISE.

A summary of the main points made in the discussions:

  • The priority for Poland’s natural gas strategy remains security of supply, which will be achieved by completing infrastructure projects.
  • Diversified supplies will be the foundation for the development of smooth trade in the Three Seas Area, to which the project to create a gas hub in Poland is dedicated.
  • The Three Seas Initiative has created a favourable political framework for the development of regional cooperation in the area of gas market integration. Support for this cooperation is already provided by the first institutions in the form of the Three Seas Fund.
  • Natural gas, under Polish but also European conditions, should serve as a bridge fuel.
  • The energy transition is creating conditions for the development of biomethane and green hydrogen production which, as fuels of the future, could become a Polish speciality.
Gazterm 2020
Gazterm 2020