

The Lower Silesian Institute for Energy Studies, based in Wrocław, is one of the most important Polish Think Tanks dealing with the issues of energy security, gas market liberalization, financial management of energy companies and the issues of efficiency of infrastructure projects in the energy sector. DISE is a Foundation joining a group of experienced experts: economic practitioners, managers from the energy and mining industries, as well as representatives of the world of science. The DISE team prepares analyses, opinions as well as economic, legal, geopolitical and technical expertise in the field of energy and fuel policy for the needs of the government administration, local government, non-governmental organizations and companies from the energy and mining industry. It also provides substantive support for Polish and EU parliamentarians. The Lower Silesian Institute for Energy Studies also conducts scientific, research and educational activities, organizing study visits to the most important facilities in the energy and mining industry in the world.
  • Local Government Economic Congress – II Forum of Three Seas Regions


  • Three Seas Local Government Congress – Economic Forum

  • European Congress of Local Governments

  • Gazterm Conference


DISE actively cooperates from a substantive point of view in organizing many congresses and forums of the energy, mining, fuel or gas industries. Substantive cooperation is an excellent form of exchange of knowledge and experience. The scientific achievements of DISE experts allow them to work on organizing and planning conference agendas, preparing numerous presentations and speeches.
DISE experts enjoy a high level of trust and respect, as evidenced by the number of presentations and discussions at key national industry events, which are entrusted to them to moderate or lead.
  • Belgia – Zeebrugge 2017

  • Belgia – Zeebrugge 2017

  • Belgia – Zeebrugge 2017

  • Klaipeda 2018

  • Denmark 2019

  • Denmark 2019

  • HYDROGEN 2022 – Germany


DISE is active in the field of international transfer of knowledge and experience. A key element of these activities is, among other things, the organisation of study trips to the most important facilities in the energy and mining industry in the world for industry decision-makers. The experience and knowledge gained on the ground have a significant impact on the speed of subsequent national proceedings on key issues for the development of the energy sector.
  • Cooperation with universities

  • Energy Cluster Oława 2019

  • Energy Cluster Oława 2019

  • Educational activities


The statutory activities of the Foundation also include cooperation with state universities and public administration units in order to develop solutions concerning energy security, environmental protection in the context of promoting low carbon emissions, as well as efficiency of infrastructure projects in the energy sector.

An example of such cooperation was the organisation of a visit of a national working group on air protection and energy, together with the Wrocław University of Technology, the Institute of Territorial Development and the Ministry of Environment.

  • Raport 2019

  • Presentation of the Report

  • Presentation of the Report

  • Report 2021

  • Report 2022


The Lower Silesian Institute of Energy Studies together with the Polish Wind Energy Association prepared a report on the evolution of changes in the energy industry. The gradual shift away from coal to low-carbon power generation, a change in the energy mix, as well as the parallel replacement of coal sources with modern power units are an inevitable prospect for the energy industry in the coming years. At the same time, Poland will not miss global trends, which assume a gradual evolution towards RES and greater use of wind farm power.
The report is an attempt to show in practice that the presence of RES can significantly contribute to the efficient use of coal sources. The assumptions and concepts of cooperation between conventional sources and RES presented in the report are formulated in such a way that the transformation of the energy sector takes place with the greatest benefit for energy consumers.