Remigiusz Nowakowski – President
Since 2018: President of the Management Board, DISE Energy Foundation
Since 2023: Executive Vice President, Qair Polska
Previous Experience:
2020: Executive Director, Heating & Cooling, Poland and Baltics, Fortum
2018-2020: President of the Management Board, PILE ELBUD SA
2016-2019: Member of the Board, EURELECTRIC
Since 2016: Vice President, Organization of Employers of Poland
2015-2016: President of the Management Board, TAURON Polska Energia SA and Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Tauron Dystrybucja SA
2015-2016: Chairman of the Strategy Committee, Member of the Supervisory Board, PKN ORLEN SA
2016: President of the Management Board, Polish Chamber of Power Industry and Environmental Protection
2008-2015: Executive Director, Member of the Management Team, Fortum Power and Heat Polska
2006-2008: President of the Management Board and Director General, Energiapro SA (currently Tauron Dystrybucja SA), and Vice President of the Management Board, Tauron Polska Energia SA
Master’s degree in Management at the Faculty of Management, Wroclaw University of Economics and Business
Master’s degree in Law, University of Wrocław
Many years of experience in building and implementing business strategies, managing large enterprises and investment projects in the energy and heating industry.
Excellent knowledge of the specifics of the energy sector and the principles of energy and heat markets.
Leadership skills proven in practice and the ability to lead teams in an international environment.

Beata Włodarska – Vice President
Beata Wlodarska has been appointed to DISE Energy’s board of directors, effective January 2025. The former executive director will additionally serve as vice president at DISE Energy.
The new vice president has been responsible at the foundation for ten years for the implementation of strategic projects, including the organization of the annual Energy Congress, as well as the establishment of international relations with the scientific and business community. Beata Wlodarska has contributed significantly to building the DISE brand. She is a manager with many years of experience and a graduate of postgraduate studies in renewable energy at the Wrocław University of Technology, committed to promoting good practices in transition and energy education. She is the originator and founder of the Women’s Energy Project and the Women’s Energy Awards. Her activities contribute to raising the visibility of women leaders in the energy industry and integrating energy transition efforts.
Krzysztof Radomski
Krzysztof Radomski is an advocate, a graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznan. After completing his studies, he completed a lawyer’s apprenticeship at the Jeleniogórsko-Wałbrzyska Chamber of Advocates, which he completed by passing the attorney-at-law exam with distinction. He gained professional experience in the largest law offices in Lower Silesia.
Krzysztof Radomski has many years of experience in applying energy law, servicing commercial law companies in this area, including the key Polish gas distributor (OSD). In the years 2007-2011, he provided legal services to one of the largest energy companies in the country. He also carried out activities related to due diligence of those companies and legal audits of selected areas of activity of the largest energy companies (including the ones operating in the gas industry) in Poland. Krzysztof Radomski is a partner of a law firm dealing with the broadly defined energy law and related branches related to functioning of energy sector entities. As an advocate, he also performs in economic processes, including criminal and economic ones, representing the interests of state-owned companies in key criminal and commercial cases.
One of the sponsors of founders and a member of the Council of the Foundation of the Lower Silesian Institute of Energy Studies in Wrocław, which brings together experts and managers from the energy sector. In the years 2015–2017, he was a Member of the Supervisory Board of System Gazociągów Tranzytowych „EuRoPol GAZ” SA.
Mateusz Gramza, PhD
He is a co-owner and President of the Management Board of AgreCo Sp. z o.o., a company conducting research on the effectiveness of agrochemicals and an analytical laboratory of chemical substances and preparations for agriculture.
A manager who knows the practical aspects of functioning of the fertilizer industry and agrochemicals market in Poland. He has practical experience in conducting research on chemical substances and preparations used in the biomass production process for energy purposes. It deals with the area of investments in biogas and biomass power plants.
He has a documented cooperation with scientific institutions, among others in the form of publications. He gave lectures (including plenary ones at the invitation) at international industry conferences – Chemistry for Agriculture.
He was a member of the supervisory boards of PGE S.A. Polska Grupa Energetyczna and a Chairman of the Supervisory Board of EnergiaPro Gigawat.