Gazterm 2018


For the third time DISE had the pleasure and honor to cooperate in the organization of the GAZTERM conference. Just like the previous year, GAZTERM had an international reach. The central event of the first day of the conference was: „The U.S. – Three Seas Initiative Gas Summit” to which DISE invited a large number of guests representing the U.S. gas industry (e.g. Andrew Walker – Vice President of LNG Strategy and Communications – Cheniere Marketing Ltd., Greg Vesey – CEO & Managing Director – LNG Limited, Thomas Earl – Chief Commercial Officer – Venture Global Marketing LLC, Scott Chrisman – Vice President, Commercial & Development – Sempra LNG & Midstream), as well as international expert centers (Peter Thompson – Baringa Partners) and academic centers (Anna Mikulska, PhD – the Baker Institute for Energy Studies at Rice University in Houston).

An opportunity to exchange experiences and opinions on the future of Polish-American gas cooperation and the situation on the international markets was provided by the discussion panel „The potential and scope of U.S. – Three Seas Initiative cooperation”. American experts also took part in a discussion panel dedicated to the extraction of methane from coal seams, sharing their rich experience. For the twenty-first time, this conference, especially deserving for a professional debate on the Polish gas industry, gathered an outstanding group of gas industry managers and specialists in Międzyzdroje.

Gazterm 2018
Gazterm 2018