We are pleased to present you the first in Poland comprehensive study on the role of natural gas in the Polish energy transformation!
DISE experts analyze possible variants of transformation paths using natural gas as a transition fuel, set the perspective of achieving climate neutrality and estimate the cost of adopting the European Green Deal in Poland.
We cordially invite everyone interested in this issue to read the Report.

Remigiusz Nowakowski
President of the Board,
Lower Silesian Institute for Energy Studies
He has many years of experience in building and implementing business strategies, managing large enterprises and investment projects in the energy and heating sectors, as well as excellent knowledge of the specifics of the energy sector and the rules of the electricity and natural gas market. Proven in practice leadership skills and the ability to manage teams in an international environment. Remigiusz received a thorough education in the field of management, law and energy, obtained at prestigious universities, including Stanford University, Sustainable Banking Initiative, Certificate Course – Poland energy Sector Executive Workshop, California, USA, Certificate Course in Leadership and Managerial Effectiveness in the international Management Institute, New Delhi, India. He completed master’s studies at the University of Economics in Wrocław and law studies at the University of Wrocław. Currently, he is the President of DISE, as well as the CEO of PILE ELBUD S/A. (construction of power infrastructure). In years 2015-2016, he was the President of the Management Board of TAURON Polska Energia (the leading Polish energy company). In the years 2016-2019 he was a member of the Board of Directors in EURELECTRIC.

Marcin Sienkiewicz, PhD
Academic at the Institute
of International Studies
of the University of Wrocław
President of the Management Board of the Lower Silesian Institute for Energy Studies in years 2016- 2018. An expert at the Forum of the Eastern Policy. A lecturer at the post-graduate studies on contemporary issues of protection, construction and operation of gas pipeline systems at the Wrocław University of Technology. Publisher and reviewer of Wiadomości Naftowe i Gazownicze (Oil and Gas News) (a monthly magazine published by the Scientific and Technical Association of Engineers and Technicians of O il and Gas Industry). I n years 2008-2010, expert cooperation in the field of national security and energy security with the National Security Office and the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland. I n years 2013-2014 a trainee at Biuro Studiów i Projektów Gazownictwa GAZO PROJEKT S.A. The author of a concept study dedicated to the creation of a gas hub in Poland. A participant and co-organiser of many conferences on energy issues. The author of more than one hundred scientific publications and expert studies in the field of energy security, energy policy of contemporary states, operation of international energy markets.

Adam Węgrzyn, PhD
Doctor of Economic Sciences,
academic at the University of Economics
in Wrocław
Manager, business expert with over twenty years of experience in the gas power industry and investment banking. In years 2016-2019, as a member of the Management Board, he managed the finances of Europe’s largest gas distribution operator, Polska Spółka Gazownictwa, and in years 2007-2013, he was responsible for the finances of Dolnośląska Spółka Gazownictwa. For twenty years, he has been combining the functions of a manager and an academic teacher. He is employed in the Wrocław University of Economics, and is scientifically involved in the issue of tariffs in energy companies and the economics of energy enterprises. He is the author of monographs, numerous scientific articles and expert studies for business.

Kamil Moskwik
Author of analyses,
business reports
and scientific articles
He gained his professional experience while working for Polish and foreign corporations, he also cooperated with the Polish Geological Institute – the Research Institute, the Centre for Industrial Applications of Mathematics and Systems Engineering (CIAM SE) of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Sobieski Institute. Currently associated with the Jagiellonian Institute. K amil’s key competences are in the areas of mathematical modelling, business analytics and strategic consulting.

Paulina Sroka
Project Manager,
Lower Silesian Institute for Energy Studies
She has been developing her experience in the field of energy market analysis for three years. She is the coordinator of grant projects in which she manages the project team’s work. I n the process of preparing expert analyses, she is also responsible for developing and interpreting data and supporting experts. Paulina holds a master’s and engineer’s degree at the Faculty of Engineering and Economics of Wrocław University of Economics. She is also involved in the preparation of other projects of the DISE Foundation, i.e. the cyclical Energy Congress, one of the most important events in the energy sector in Poland, workshops and international study visits to energy infrastructure facilities.

Aleksandra Pinkas
Law student at the Faculty of Law and Administration
and Economics of the University of Wrocław
She specialises in energy law with a special focus on legal regulations in the field of climate protection and renewable energy sources. The winner of the Golden Diagnosis, the DISE award for young academics working in the area of energy. She is a finalist of the Public Law Competition in the field of public economic law and administrative procedure, as well as the competition in the field of intellectual property law, both of them organised by the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics at the Wrocław University. Finalist of the 6th edition of the competition on labour law organised by CMS Law Firm. She is the author of scientific and industry-related articles in the field of energy law, including Central Europe Energy Partners and Polish Energy Brief. Speaker at international scientific conferences, e.g. Smart Administration – Polish and German Approach and Economics and the challenges of the modern world. A 5th year student of law at the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics at the University of Wrocław and an associate of the Lower Silesian Institute for Energy Studies.